Advice for Parents of Over-weight Children

             Tips for Parents of Overweight Children

Children can become overweight when they take in more energy from food and drinks than they use through physical activity. Overweight children are more likely to stay overweight as adults, which can lead to health issues like type 2 diabetes. However, making changes to their diet and activity levels can help them reach a healthy weight.

    Check Your Child’s Weight

It can be hard to tell if a child is overweight since they are still growing. You can check by calculating their body mass index (BMI). You will need their date of birth, height, weight, and when you measured them.

   Tips for Helping Your Child

**What to Do:**

- **Encourage Daily Activity:** Help your child find activities they enjoy, like sports, playing outside, or walking to school.


- **Offer a Balanced Diet:** Aim to provide meals that include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, protein, and dairy or dairy alternatives.


- **Set Realistic Goals:** Involve your child in making changes to their diet and activity.


- **Use Positive Reinforcement:** Celebrate their achievements with rewards like stickers or high-fives when they reach their goals.


- **Be a Good Role Model:** Show healthy eating and staying active yourself.


- **Ensure Enough Sleep:** Stick to a regular bedtime routine and keep screens out of their bedroom at night.

**What Not to Do:**

- **Avoid Large Portions:** Use smaller plates and start with small servings.


- **Limit Sugary Drinks:** Avoid fizzy drinks and consider using semi-skimmed milk instead of whole milk for children over 2 years old.

      Additional Resources

- **Healthy Recipes:** Find over 100 free recipes that are easy to make and healthy for the family. Visit the NHS Healthier Families website for more information.


- **Fun Activities:** Explore new games and sports to improve your child’s coordination and confidence. Check out the NHS Healthier Families site for ideas.

- **Balanced Diet Guidelines:**   Children over 2 years should follow the Eatwell Guide for a healthy diet.

- **Exercise Recommendations:**   Children should be active every day to build strong bones and muscles. Refer to physical activity guidelines for different age groups.

By making small changes, you can help your child develop healthier habits for life!