Salt in your diet

Salt in Your Diet

Eating too much salt can be harmful to your health. It can raise your blood pressure, which increases the chances of heart attacks and strokes.

Where Does Salt Come From?

Most of the salt we eat—about 75%—comes from packaged foods like bread, breakfast cereals, meats, and ready meals. It’s also found in takeaways, restaurant meals, and fast food.

Daily Salt Intake Recommendations

Adults should consume no more than 6g of salt per day, which is about 1 teaspoon. This amount includes both the salt already in food and any salt added during cooking or at the table.

Maximum Recommended Salt Intake by Age:

Babies should have very little salt because their kidneys can’t process it well.

Tips to Reduce Your Salt Intake



Further Information

Visit NHS Healthier Families for more tips on reducing salt and to find healthy recipes. Understanding food labels can also help you choose low-salt options.

Check Your Blood Pressure: High salt intake can lead to high blood pressure. If you’ve had a recent blood pressure test, learn what your reading means.

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